The Hero is Here

The Hero is Here

I have always been a fan of action films, especially where there is a hero involved. It could just be one hero, it could be a whole group of heroes coming to save the day, but the bit that I really love about these films is when the hero enters the scene.

The enemy is about to win, they are about to kill and destroy whoever is before them, the bad guy is about to get away with it…when suddenly the hero breaks forth!

However the hero comes it’s always epic; they might break through the door, drop in from the skylight, ride up over the hill, come out from disguise or appear on the horizon. It’s the emotion that grips you when suddenly an answer is revealed, hope is found and things start to look up.

You see, this is exactly what the Christmas story is about; the entrance of a hero.

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned”

Isaiah 9:2

The whole Bible is all about man’s devastation and dire situation, but with God finally coming to the rescue. The Bible is not a book of random stories and nice tales, it is about one story, about one man; Jesus Christ.

What we celebrate at Christmas is when Jesus; our hero, enters the scene. Up till then there has been death, destruction and condemnation. Up till then there has been no hope at all.

Then all of a sudden, 2000 years ago, God burst forth. God came to earth in human form, as a baby, born to two nobodies. His name was Jesus Christ, he hadn’t done anything yet and he wouldn’t do anything for a while. He hadn’t defeated anything or won anything, but he had entered the scene. Jesus won the battle when he died on the cross 30+ years later.

This Christmas take thought about when our hero entered the scene. He came to save us, redeem us and rescue us. We can have hope, because our hero is here.

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